BCBA Consultative Services



Stepping Stones Therapeutics, LLC offers consultations for outside evaluations for functional analysis and individual evaluations and assessments including but not limited to the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB MAPP), Vineland-3, ABLLS-R, AFLS, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP), and Preference Assessments. These evaluations are used for establishing programs, or for consultation outside of your service provider or school district. 

BCBA Supervision

Stepping Stones Therapeutics, LLC also offers supervision opportunities for individuals that are pursuing their BCBA certification. We encourage our staff, as we encourage our clients, to meet their maximum professional potential and we are committed to excellence in support of our staff and their career advancement.

Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Training

Stepping Stones Therapeutics, LLC offers comprehensive parent, teacher, and/or caregiver training. This training includes administering an evaluation/assessment and deriving goals based off the results while providing the necessary tools for a parent/teacher/caregiver to achieve goals created together, to optimize desirable outcomes.

 For further information, contact: info@steppingstonestherapeutics.com